
Hello, anyone out there in snow land that wants to play at SHAPE tomorrow?



Jude responded in

I'm planning on playing, however, tree limbs could fall across our road. A fifth

pixie responded out

I can't be there until 12:30, but would love to play.

Sheila responded in

Julie and I will have to leave shortly after 1:30.

Peijin, profile photo

Anyone else up for Friday


It’s a 30 minute drive for me. If one more will sign up , I’ll come. Just let me know by about 11:00. Thanks Drew

Peijin, profile photo

I think I'll pass then .... But if anyone goes let me know

pixie responded out

Would love to play, but can't get there until 12:30


I'd say come and play for as long as you can!

Sheila responded in

I am throwing the extra net in the truck just in case.


It was great you thought to do that as we needed it! Shows why it's good to sign up and not show up so we have enough nets.